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Something different- vilen

Today, where we listen to romantic sorry lustful songs, party songs, rap songs in which humans are objectified, but there are some singers who are doing something different. We are talking about the vilen (Vipul dhanaker). Where people are just putting heaps of romantic songs, but this person is doing something different. Many people consider Vilen's songs as motivational songs.

Independent singers face a lot of difficulties right from recording the song to its production. But it is not for those who have been adopted by music labels. So we should support such independent singers who are doing something different by being different from the crowd. Because music labels make only those who have money and in the name of quality you get another song with the same beats which is in trend, which has neither any meaning nor any emotion, that's all just lust.

So we have to support such singers from whom we continue to get quality content.


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