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Chinese people do not even know that there is a country named India.

We see China as our enemy but there is a twist that
most Chinese people don't even know that there is a country named India.

  •  They do what the government wants.  what the government wants 

YouTube, Instagram, WhatsApp etc, not a single app works in China. They have their own apps where no one can speak against the government. Even most of them are not aware of what is happening around the world. "They do what the government wants, they know only as much as the government wants to tell them."

  •  Government involvement in personal life 

Very few people are aware that how dangerous is the life of common man in China. Government involvement is everywhere, be it in the media or in business. Everything in China is under the control of the government. Whether it is the career of students or the time to play sports for children.

Recently the Chinese government has announced that no child under the age of 18 is allowed to play games for more than 3 hours a week.

  •  Government interference in business 

According to The Economic Times, 10,000 startups are being established every day in China to boost its economy. But another twist is that the government is also involved in this. Only businesses can run in China that allow the government to intervene. Not a single startup criticizing the government can survive.

You can imagine the situation from Jack Ma's story. On October 24 last year, Jack Ma gave a speech in which he targeted the Chinese government. The speech that cost Jack Ma 630 billion dollars.

Looking at the graph above, you can understand how much Jack Ma has suffered after that speech. Jack Ma's second company Ant Group was about to bring the world's biggest IPO, but the Chinese government stopped it in some way. And after that speech, Jack Ma also disappeared for three months. No one knew where he was?

  •  why are we saying that? 
It is not that the Chinese do not know us at all, yes they do, but very few people.
Now why are we saying that the people of China do not know India. Shlok Srivastava, known as Tech Burner, shared his experience of China and said that when he went to the mall of China's big city, the people there did not even know that there is a country named India. So he said that when the people living in the big city of China do not know anything about India, then what can we say about the rest.

So we all are lucky that we live in a country where we have freedom and we are walking step by step with the world. And so we should use this freedom in the right direction so that this country should be proud of us.


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