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Has Hinduism come to india from outside?

 We should try to know our ancient history 

Most of us found the subject of history in school boring. Whatever the case may be, is the history of our India really what is taught? 

We all must have heard or read Aryan invasion theory in school. According to which Sanskrit and Vedas were brought to India by Aryans. By turning around, they want to say that the Aryans had brought Sanatan Dharma to India. 

But here are some facts that prove this theory wrong.

  •  Explanation of Saraswati River in Rigveda 
The description of Saraswati river comes in Rigveda and from reading that description it seems that it must have been written at the time when Saraswati river flowed at its high flow. But according to the researchers, the Saraswati river is not present completely, it has disappeared, but some part of it is still there, which is known today as Ghaggar-Hakra river. 

And now let's look at some numbers as well.
According to researchers, the Saraswati river became extinct around 1900 BC and as the description of Saraswati river is found in Rigveda, it appears to be around 15000 BC- 6000 BC. Now according to the Aryan invasion theory, the Aryans came to India around 1500 BC. So how did they write that here is the Saraswati river, which flows at a very high flow. This means the Vedas were written long before the Aryans came to India.

  •  If Aryans came from outside, why is it not mentioned in our scriptures? 
If Aryans had come from outside, then it would be mentioned somewhere in our literature. But we do not find this anywhere, nor is it described in the Vedas. On the contrary, in the scriptures that we have, the whole stories has been found related to India itself. So it is a matter to think that if someone leaves his native place and goes to another country, then he will tell something about his native place. And if Sanatan Dharma has come from abroad, then how many Gods are there in Sanatan, how were they born in India? like ram and krishna.

  •  DNA study says that Aryans did not come from outside. 
Many important revelations have been made from the study of skeletal remains found in the excavation in Rakhigarhi, Haryana. The report completely refutes the claims that the Aryans came to India from outside.

 main motive of this theory 

The whole game was made by the British, they thought that if we want to rule them then they have to be divided. So they saw that both black and white people are live in India, so he adopted the weapon of dividation And made up a nonsense story that look, the people of South India are the natives of India and the people who are North Indians are Aryans who have brought Hinduism to India from outside.

 Which culture do we belong to? 

Our culture is thousands of years old. Even today, there are many Hindu temples in India whose architecture makes people stunned. Where did all this knowledge come from? Where did those little Ayurveda tricks come from which are used in our house? How even today our vaidic calendar (panchang) tells the exact timing of solar and lunar eclipses, which NASA finds out by spending crores of rupees. Where did all this come from? All this has come from our ancient Indian scriptures, which people consider to be illogical and mythologies. These are the same people who do not have their own thinking and accept what they hear as truth. All I would like to say to those people is that just try to know your history, the truth will come in front of you. And you will know that you are part of such a rich culture." which did not come from outside."

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